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about the global collaborative

what do we do?

The GC has three main threads of work together:

  1. Local, Regional and World Jams: week-long gatherings of people committed to internal, interpersonal and systemic change, taking place all over the world.
  2. An Annual Meeting: together as a community, to engage in face-to-face conversations about what we are learning and where we are growing.
  3. A Flow Fund: to move resources into the collaborations and local work we are doing, or that other Jamily are doing. The funding supports projects that synthesize at a meeting point of internal, interpersonal and systemic transformation/healing. It supports our collaborations and exploratory “probes” and envisioning.

We are using the flow funds to support:

  • Documenting what we are doing and trying (e.g. video, newsletter)
  • Disseminating these stories
  • Supporting learning exchanges between young changemakers, whether from GC, Jams, or our local communities
  • Organizing transformational gatherings of diverse young changemakers
  • Providing support for aligned communities
  • Creating innovative new projects in alignment with our learnings
  • Mentoring youth from our communities through/with the GC

learn more about us
