shilpa jain
region: India, South Asia, Middle East, USA
Shilpa is a recent transplant to the Bay Area, CA, USA, where she lives with her beloved, coordinates the Global Collaborative, serves as the Education and Outreach Coordinator to Other Worlds, and works on a number of transformative leadership, learning, and urban community-based projects. She is also a learning activist with Shikshantar: The Peoples' Institute for Rethinking Education and Development in India, where she had been based for ten years.
Shilpa has researched, written books and articles, and facilitated workshops on topics ranging from globalization, creative expressions, ecology, democratic living, gender, zero waste, urban regeneration, learning communities, walkouts and unlearning. She loves learning with/from children and youth. A 'jack of many trades', she especially loves bringing great people together for community-building, heart-storming, mind-expanding and impactful projects.